Wednesday, May 2, 2018

More than a Journey

The Webster 1828 Dictionary defines journey as: "Passage from one place to another".
When I started this blog a few years ago, I titled it  Marissa's Journey.  But over time, I have realized it has become so much more than than.  I am not just passing through from one destination to the next.  It is so much more than. It is more than just the ups and downs of my health problems and life struggles.  I am passing from being one person to becoming a complete, more pure, more Christ-centered being.  It is More than a Journey.     

A few weeks ago I was visiting with a friend and talking to her about a text I had received. In this text, I was asked about my health journey, and I proceeded to respond with some things I had learned.  The friend I was visiting with said: "Have you ever thought that this might be your path, to now teach people what you have learned?"  In truth, I had thought briefly about it, but not much. 

Not more than a few days later I was at my sisters house and was talking with her and her mother-in-law about my health.  Near the end of the conversation, my sister asked if I ever thought about writing a book and sharing what I have learned.  I may have had fuzziness in my brain from my health issues but, with these two separate occurrences, I decided the Lord was trying to tell me something.  I have enough clarity to know when I should listen up and when I should take my questions to the Lord.  And that I did.

This will be the beginning of a new chapter for this blog.  And you are invited to join me.  As I prayed to know the Lord's will, He poured forth ideas into my mind of how He wants me to proceed.  I am not ready to write a book... yet.  For now, in this format, I invite you into my life.  (You are welcome to read previous posts to get a feel for where I have been on my journey.)  As we move forward, I welcome and encourage comments.  This is my journey - but one that is intertwined with the journeys of others.  I will be the first to admit that I am still learning, and I want to learn with you.  The Journey continues, with guests in tow. 😊

I will try to be posting weekly, on Tuesday's or Wednesday's.  You are welcome to Share this site with others who you feel might benefit.  

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