When we become baptized members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we make covenants to take upon ourselves the name of Christ. Each Sunday thereafter we partake of a sacrament, renewing that covenant, and promising that we will always remember Him and always have His name with us. One way that members of the Church can do that is by becoming missionaries, to go out into the world and testify of Christ. Our youth, ages 18 or 19, can be called on Missions where they set aside their worldly ambitions and give 18 months to 2 years of their lives to serve the Lord, testifying of Christ, and preaching the gospel that He taught when He lived on this earth. It is these young men and women that we want to honor this month.
Even though it is a sacrifice to be away from family and friends for 2 years of their lives, I know that they do so willingly because of their great love for their Savior, for all the blessings that He has brought into their lives. As members of the church we strive to help them in their efforts by telling our friends and neighbors all the goodness that Christ has brought into our lives.
This month we will be 'adopting' our missionaries from our neighborhood. Currently our congregation has 9 young adults serving in the mission field, from California to Hong Kong and many places in between. It is our goal to make care packages for each one, including treats and letters from home, honoring and thanking them for their service, hoping to help them feel we are supporting them from back home. We would also like to include Books of Mormon with our testimonies in the front so that our belief in the Savior can spread around the globe.
How would you like to help? What ways can you think to honor a missionary this month?
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