Thursday, October 31, 2019

November - Serve Your Neighbors #davidsmission

A little over 15 years ago we had sold the home we built and were looking for a new home in Northern Utah County. We did so with many  prayers in our hearts: Help us find a home that's comfortably within our budget; help us find a place where our kids can grow up with good friends; a place close to my husbands work; a place with friends for us, the adults; a place where we would find great happiness. Looking back on 15+ years in this home, I'm overcome with how abundantly these prayers have been answered.

One of the greatest blessings has been the opportunity to be surrounded with extraordinary neighbors and friends. I've heard it shared many times, from new move-ins to visitors: there is something unique and beautiful about the people in this area. It is almost palpable, when you open your heart to see it, the feeling of unity and love in this corner of our little world.  This is not just a select small group of individuals; it really is a majority of the area.

This is why my heart swells this month as our family approaches our service theme: Serve your Neighbors. We want to introduce you to  an idea with a little talisman that will help us remember to move this service around.
Meet our Kindness Trains. In the next week these trains will be visiting some of our neighbors as we perform a secret act of service on their behalf. Once done, we will leave the train with a card of instructions attached, directing how the neighbors can jump aboard the train and move the kindness along. We encourage anyone who get visited to snap a picture of the service given to you and either post on social media with the hashtag #davidsmission or email me at

I would love to see the Kindness Trains move throughout the state and continue into the new year. Or, start your own movement out of state. I found these wooden trains at Hobby Lobby and gave them a coat of paint. I will include a copy of the card you can save and attach. 

Hope you all jump on the Kindness train and Spread kindness throughout your neighborhood. Can't wait to see what service ideas you come up with. 💕

List of service ideas:

~Make them dinner or a freezer meal
~Clean part of their house
~Do some of their yard work
~Take garbage to roadside and return after they are empty
~Take them baked goods
~Visit someone lonely
~Drive Carpool for a week
~Babysit for them, for free
~Wash car windows
~Send someone flowers
~Send a care package
~Gift card to go out to eat
~Anonymous thank you note
~Take someone to lunch
~Holiday treat bags

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