Friday, February 1, 2019

February - Serve the Elderly #davidsmission

Aging is a reality for every person on earth. From the moment we are born, we began to "grow old." Different cultures have varying attitudes and perspectives on the elderly in their countries. In China there is an actual law that allows elderly parents to sue their children if they feel they are not getting the emotional and financial respect due to them. Employees are also required to give time off to their workers, allowing them time to visit their parents.

In Japan, appreciation for elderly in ingrained into the family, making this one of the kindest places for seniors.  Many families often have multiple generations living under one roof, attributing much to the happiness and longevity of the elderly that blossoms from these strong bonds. 

Unfortunately in America seniors are often the subject of prejudice, stereotyping, and the subject of jokes, with many elderly feeling a great lack of respect from the young people.  More often than not our elderly are placed in assisted living homes, a practice that is not common in other cultures.  (please to take this as judgement on my part for I know that everyone's situation is unique and, I'm sure, is prayerfully considered).

As we have had some recent happenings in our family with an aging parent I have had cause to pause and reflect on my own views of aging in our society. The older I personally become the greater love I have for those who have forged the path ahead of me.  I see the wisdom gained from their life experiences and seek to learn from what they can impart.  I see what  a great blessing it is to have my father-in-law in our home, to have our children help with his care and see that we make sacrifices for those we love because they deserve it.  What I sense the elderly would like us to know is that they want to be included, but don't want to feel like a burden; they know when you are doing it out of obligation and not love.  They want to feel valued and useful. They want to spend time with us and for us to not put a time limit and rush out of there. They value youthful interactions, along with time with their 'old pals.' 

In light of all that I've been pondering, we are choosing the theme of 'Serve the Elderly' for the month of February.  We are still scheduling the events that we will sponsor this month, so look for details to come.  We are looking at planning an afternoon of game playing, with youth visiting a retirement home.  We are also wanting to hold a night of musical entertainment at the same location. (Music friends, start preparing some old time favorites 😊).  A few other events will include some junior high students making birthday cards to be given to the elderly, along with elementary students making spring-time pictures to decorate the doors of the elderly. 

 I would love to hear other ideas that you might have for this month.  This is a service that spans the distance and is available to all ages.  Here are some ideas for you to ponder:

  • Help give caregivers a break by staying with their elderly parents to they can go out
  • Volunteer to deliver meals with meals on wheels
  • Go have lunch with an elderly neighbor
  • Listen to their stories, write them down, input them on FamilySearch
  • Paint their nails for them
  • Send them a card in the mail
  • Take flowers to the seniors in your community and sit down for a visit
  • Read to them
  • Find a housekeeping project you can help them with
I hope this month stretches us all to be more respectful, more full of love, and united in created strong bonds with those in their twilight years.

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