With that, I want to introduce you to this next theme: Serve the family. What does that mean to you? Don't we already do that each and every day, especially as parents? I am reminded of a talk given in general conference recently were a dear sister did great service by helping those around the world. As she was driving home from her latest service opportunity the spirit spoke to her and said "Now go and serve your neighbor." In essence, the Lord was guiding her to those closest to her and letting here know we don't have to reach far beyond our scope of influence to make our service meaningful. So this month we are pulling it in, we are focusing on the core unit in our lives.
Family means something different to each of us. You may be single, you may be a young married couple or empty nesters, or you may have 10 children and lots of cousins. Family may mean those 'extra' children that come into your home, those friends who eat dinner at your table numerous times a week. Family is really those people who are in your sphere of love on a consistent basis.
This months invitation is two fold. Let me give one bit of background before I explain.
Five years ago, at the end of February, I lost a cousin to a tragic adventure activity. She had only been married two weeks and her life was cut short. As I attended her funeral I was reminded of two things about her. First, that she had a great love of doing humanitarian work. Her life, outside of living adventurously, was filled with giving of herself. Second, there were many people at her funeral from a variety of walks of life. She made everyone 'family'. This month as we serve the family, we are striving to emulate and honor her through serving and loving as she did.
The invitations: 1. Find a way to honor a family member that has past, by doing an act of service in their name. 2. Find ways to serve your earthly family in different ways than you usually do.
Some ideas for you to ponder on this month:
- Plan an event that brings your family together. (We are throwing our Dad/Grandpa a 90th bday party!)
- Do a surprise house cleaning for a sibling
- Mend a relationship
- Invite a family to dinner and game night
- Send snail mail letters to family that lives far away
- Complete a project for a family member that you have been putting off (We will be painting our youngest sons room)
- On March 17th, let someone know that you are "Lucky to have them" in your life
- Leave treats on doorsteps for your neighborhood family (Something my cousin Amber loved to do)
- Be a peacemaker in your home this month. Seek to show more love.
I am excited about this month, to find ways each day to serve those I love most in the way that Christ would want me to serve them.
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