I have been pondering how to address a new life path that I have decided to take. And, in truth, I still don't know how I feel about it. Let me explain what I can and maybe get some feedback.
The thing is, the world has some serious health issues that it needs to address, or should I say WE need to address. Along with the many advances in this world, many unforeseen problems have emerged. There is no denying that autoimmune diseases are skyrocketing. We have resistance to antibiotics that are supposed to help us. Our food system is "sick" as well and needs our help. The last few years I have been on a search for a more holistic approach, a more natural course of healing and health. (Yes, I still shave my legs, and, no, I am not moving to a remote area to start an organic farm).
In the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, we are given a code of health. Section 89 is know to our members as the section containing the Word of Wisdom. This revelation lays out Do's and Don't for our health, things revealed long before the time when scientists learned these things for themselves; things such as avoiding tobacco and strong drink and that we should eat meat sparingly, and fruits and vegetables often. I want to share two verses:
10- And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man-
11- Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
God has ordained the use of herbs. Every thing we need for healing and good health comes from the earth, comes from God. I appreciate that there are companies out there, striving to use what the earth has provided. There are so many good products in this world. Not one company has is all. And not all bodies will react to products the same. We must take it upon ourselves to study, to ponder, to try them ourselves and find out what is right of you personally.
As I type this I have my diffuser running a blend of essential oils that helps with clarity, focus, and enlightenment. Before I ate breakfast, I took a dose of structured silver and drank a green drink that is filled with all the omega's our body needs. I strive to eat organic, partaking of a plenty of fruits and vegetables each day.
It is with all this in mind that I decided to go forth with something I never thought I would do. I never wanted to be a working mom. I never wanted to be in sales, especially network marketing. But as I have pondered and prayed, I felt it was my duty to teach what I have learned and share possible ways for others to find healing. But, I will go about this a different way. I have recently become distributer for two different companies: Young Living and Juuva. My approach to this is different in that I am not in this for the business opportunity or the untold wealth that is promised.
It is about the products and about the people.
I feel obligated to share what I have learned and to help others find the right path of healing for themselves. I don't intend to get layers of people underneath me to sale the products so that I can make more money. In fact, I feel so strongly about helping others that I intend to sell the products at the lower preferred customer price, always, and not the higher suggested retail price.
This blog will remain my thoughts about my life journey. I will not use it to sell the products to my friends. The biggest turn off for me is when I feel used by my friends just to get their business going, to feel obligated out of friendship to buy a products I won't use, just to save a friendship. Here is your invitation: If you would like to learn more about this aspect of my healing, I ask you to follow my page on facebook named Empower Juuva. There I will teach about the products, including essential oils, and give testimonial to how each has worked for me. You can also contact me personally to ask any questions.
Have a beautiful first day of summer. 💗
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