Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Book that began the Healing

At January of this year I was at a low point again.  Even though my health had been getting better for a time, it seemed to have regressed again.  I struggled through the holidays with my energy level and by the beginning of the year I knew I needed to address things again.  It was at this time that I was introduced to a book titled "The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution" by Aviva Romm.  As a doctor, Romm had discovered many women in her practice that were experiencing the same thing I was.  They'd go to specialist after specialist and receive test after test only to find that there was no explanation for their symptoms.  Supposedly nothing was wrong with these patients.

The dedication to Dr. Romm's book reads:
To all the women who have felt unseen and unheard, you are not invisible and you are not alone.
To all who have been told "It's all in your head," it is not.
And to all who have felt like you've been sleeping for too long, rise and shine.
Let's move mountains together.

So many times I wondered if I would ever find an answer.  Wondered why all the test results were inconclusive and did not lead me to solutions.  In searching for an explanation to these unexplained symptoms, Dr. Romm wanted to find out what was really going on.  What was at the core, at the root of all these women's problems?  I love this!  I love that she wasn't trying to just fight the symptoms, but was seeking to solve the underlying problems.  Again, I think doctors are great.  What I learned from my experience is that because specialist are trained in their specific field, it is hard for them to see the big picture.  And most are not trained on the nutritional effects on our bodies.  So to have a book that explained more than just how to mask the symptoms to cope with life, I was ready to study it and apply it.

Without getting too much into her book or the scientific stuff, I want to share what stood out in my understanding. There are more than these two root causes, but I will only mention these two right now.   In our world, especially our western society, we are over stressing our bodies and the systems that run that body.  We are constantly going, constantly doing, thinking, checking phones, adding to our to-do list, seeking entertainment.  We have an emotional and mental overload every day.

Second, we have food stress.  Our food system, especially in America, is not what is should be.  We are fighting chemicals, pesticides, genetic modifications to our food, not to mention processed food that mimics real food.   The food today might be marketed as healthier and more readily available, but it is significantly different than the food of our ancestors.  and our bodies were not made to process and use food that had been altered and changed and is deficient int eh nutrients it really needs.  Our food is causing our bodies stress.

When I read that first chapter I felt the truth in it. I knew what she had discovered was what was wrong with me, and what was wrong with so many women.  I knew I was led to this book for  a reason.  I knew I needed to follow this book and discover how I could take back my life.  Because, in truth, I was not helpless. 

Five months later I can truly say that this was the key for me, the catalyst I needed to bring the beginnings of healing and hope back into my life.  Thank you, Dr. Romm, for sharing your wisdom.  Thank you to my caring neighbor, who knew to follow a prompting and suggested I read this book.  So glad I have taken charge of my health. 

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