I have plenty left! #aslightaddictiontofabric. 😆 I always tell people that I have my year supply. Of fabric. For the whole neighborhood. Just staying prepared. 😄 On the the lesson in this journey:
In the process of going through papers in my office, I came upon a sheet of paper with a list of questions. They come from a speech given by Connie L. Blakemore titled "Our Spiritual Eyeglasses: What You See is What You Get." (Yup, found the article in my pile of papers, too).
What is my "Belief Window" about my health?
Do I see my health as God sees it?
If I want a celestial body, what am I doing now to make it one?
Do I view my worth on only what I'm physically able to accomplish?
What behaviors have I chosen to do that have worsened my health, or prevented me from improving it? What behaviors CAN I change?
What does my soul aspire after? Do I have the faith to bridge that chasm between what my mind knows and what my soul wants?
If I am remembering correctly, I read this article about 2 years ago, before my healing began. It is interesting to reflect on where I've been, and what I believe now. I intend to study this speech again, and reflect on these questions again in more depth. I encourage you to take a few minutes to think about each question yourself. You might want to know what a belief window is before you begin. Each of us has a belief system, a set of beliefs about what we see as right or wrong, true or false. We judge the world on that belief system, a system that has been developing in us since the day we were born. As we go through life, we have this "window" through which we view the world, a belief window. On this window is placed thousands of principles that you have accepted as true principle. The beliefs we have are the lenses of reality for us. Those principles and beliefs drive us. Every action, every thought, goes through this window.
Here's the catch, some of our beliefs are not healthy principles. Example: "I have depression. I will always have depression. There is nothing I can do about it because it is just something my body can't fix." Is this a true truth? Another example: "All Pitt bulls are violent." Is this belief true? Some of our beliefs have become truths to us because of our experiences. But I want to say We are Never Helpless! If we give into these unhealthy beliefs than we are relinquishing control. We are never without control, never without a choice. It is very important that our belief window it correct, that we are using the right pair of glasses in which to see the world.
I have come a long way to change some of my beliefs to be healthier beliefs. I know I still have a ways to go. Just this week I have been struggling with lightheadedness again, struggling with having to take naps after exerting myself too much. (weeding. Really shouldn't have to take a nap after that, right?) I have been thinking, "Well, this is just my life, deal with it." I'm reminding myself again, it's not out of my control! There is still more I can do! I won't give up.
I plan to ponder this more, so it might be addressed again in later posts. This post is already long enough. Thanks for sticking with me and reading my ramblings.