Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Gift of Healing and the Faith to be Healed

A few weeks ago our church class had a discussion about spiritual gifts.  Two that were discussed at length were the gift of healing and the gift to be healed.  I have pondered much on these gifts since then and even discussed with others what their thoughts were, especially regarding my own health struggles.  One thought that coursed through my mind was how these gifts are different than other spiritual gifts.  These gifts rely on God's will for our lives; His timetable and His knowledge of what is best for His children.  Someone might possess the gift to heal, but it may be that the person they want to heal has reached their appointed time of death.  I may have the faith to be healed, but that healing may not be immediate or even in this lifetime.  These gifts take an immense amount of trust in God's will.  It takes trust in knowing there are times when healing doesn't happen in your way, or even in a perceived miraculous way.  It takes faith to realize that sometimes healing comes when this life is complete. That faith, in and of itself, is a spiritual gift that must be developed.

As I was discussing this with my mom, I commented that I felt I had the faith to be healed, but I was struggling to understand if that was the Lord's will for me. Of course I want to have a return of complete health, a return to complete strength to do what I once was able to do.  Discussing it with her, she indicated that she HAS seen a miracle of healing in me.  I am so much better than I was two years ago.  I look better, I eat better, I can do so much more.  In her eyes, I have healed and continue to heal.

I really appreciated the reminder of how far I have come from where I was a short time ago and that it truly has been a miracle.  At times it's hard to see the whole picture when the baby steps are so minute.  As I was recently going through pictures on my phone, reflecting on the summer we have had, I do see a miracle.  I have had so many good days, days were we have been able to play and build memories.  I am not in bed, struggling to take care of simple needs of my family.  Healing has happened.  I am not the same person I was two years ago.

So what does that mean in regards to the faith to be healed?  Spiritual gifts are interesting, beautiful things.  At baptism, we are given the first gift, the gift of the Holy Ghost.  In that blessing, the Lord also bestows on us other spiritual gifts.  We may not feel them at that time, and it may be only under certain circumstances that we are able to access them.  But every saint is given a spiritual gift.  The beautiful thing is, we are not limited to that one gift and spiritual gifts are not limited to a select few who have leadership in the church.  "Any man who will seek for the power of God can obtain it,"  George Q Cannon has taught.  In D&C 46:8 we are even invited to seek after spiritual gifts beyond that which we have initially been blessed with.  The main prerequisite of obtaining spiritual gifts is our standing before the Lord.  Harold B Lee tells us "We shall never be given more of the gifts of the Spirit until we demonstrate our ability to use those He has already given us."  There is a responsibility that comes with each gift.  We must use it as the Lord wants us to.  It is not for sign seeking, not for status, not to satisfy our own curiosity.

As I've studied and pondered this month, I also realized another thing.  Sometimes the gift to heal is a knowledge of how to heal ourselves.  And the Lord graciously granted me that gift.  I have studying much about health, I have implemented changes in my life, I have given my body time to adjust, and I have healed.  It may not be complete and it may not be perfect restoration, but it is still a work in progress.  I've also learned that with each spiritual gift we have responsibilities that correspond with them.  My responsibility is now to share what I have learned about healing.  It is my duty.  It is my way of showing the Lord how grateful I am for this gift and that it will not be wasted.

I want to share a miracle with you.  For my birthday, all I wanted from my parents was a trip to the lake and a chance to water ski.  I had that opportunity a few days ago.  As I strapped on the life jacket, pulled on the ski gloves and slipped into the ski, I admit that I my nerves were starting to get the best of me.  I've been a water skier for nearly 30 years and my comfort level in doing so usually overcomes any nervousness to be felt. My legs were shaking with the anticipation of possible struggle.  I had no idea how my muscles would respond to the strain and how I would perform if I did manage to pull myself up.  As I slide into the chilly water, my family in the boat cheered me on:  "You can do this!  Even if it's for a short time, that is success!"  I took a few deep, calming breaths and told myself: "You CAN do this!  You WILL Succeed!  Look at how far you have come."

I may not be as graceful or as daring as a once was.  But I take this video as proof of a miracle.  I have succeeded.  Success comes in telling myself I will never stop trying.  It comes in knowing I have done everything I can to facilitate the healing the Lord has granted me.  He expects us to take part.  Miracles often happen through work on our part.  I look back and see all the things I would have missed learning if I would have had immediate healing.  Would I really want to give that back?  Would you all want me to?  I feel part of that learning was to do what I am doing now, teaching and inspiring others in their own healing journey.  I hope to continue to do that.

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