Tuesday, May 31, 2016


My body likes to attack itself.  This I have learned.  It began 11 years ago when an extremely bad stomach flu, during the first part of a pregnancy, did something unusual.  As by body attacked the stomach flu, it also attacked the platelets in my body;  To the point where I almost had to have a blood transfusion.  It would have been scary if I would have been coherent enough to think about it.  (Muddled mind, barely able to stay awake. Sores in my mouth similar to blood blisters. Yeah.)  Then, 3 years later, after having another child....  I gain 10 pounds in 1 week.  What is up with that?!  I should be losing all the baby weight, right?  Well, not when you get Hashimoto's disease and have antibodies that attack your thyroid.  And, guess what?  Those same antibodies decided to attack my cerebellum and cause depression.  So, yup, my body is my own worst enemy at times.  

So when it is suggested to me that I should look into Rheumatoid Arthritis, it just seems to fit.  "An autoimmune disorder, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body's tissues."  Something else that wants to attack my body?  BRING IT ON!  

Keep your head up.  God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

If I would have written this post yesterday, I would have been wallowing in uncertainty and fighting off sorrow.  I am not naive enough to think I won't have hard days. But that is not today.  Today I will fight this battle, whatever it is that is asked of me.  Today I will trust in God that I am strong enough to do this.  My sweet husband prayed last night that we will be able to accept whatever it is that we find out.  How blessed am I, to have a husband that will stand by my, one that has faith in a Father in Heaven to be our support.  

So I begin to fight.  I will Not let this beat me.  I will climb that mountain.  This week that mountain will be literal.  We will be visiting a beautiful National Park in Southern Utah, called Zion.  I have been waiting for my children to be old enough to hike this amazing hike called Angel's Landing.  With my health concerns, I worried I wouldn't be able to do this.  But I will not let it stop me.  As I begin this journey, this is my starting off adventure.  I want us to prove together that, as a family, we can traverse hard paths and come off conquers.  And so it begins....

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