Wednesday, December 5, 2018

It's Christmastime

When my kids ask me what my favorite holiday is, I teasing reply that it is not Christmas.  They are fully aware of the fact that I hate shopping.  Hate it.  One of the greatest inventions in the world is Amazon, where I can shop from the comfort of my home and have it delivered to my door.  I don't have to waste time going from store to store, finding the best deal, competing with other shoppers for the closest parking space or waiting in long checkout lines.  My time is precious to me and I would much rather spend it doing other things.  So, I will pay the few extra dollars instead of shopping sales and I will deal with the plethora of amazon boxes that must be recycled.  It saddens me that so much of Christmas is centered around the gifts.  I would much rather buy the clothes my kids need throughout the year instead of having to wait for a holiday to give it to them.  Then a gift given at Christmas could be simple and more meaningful, from the heart.  Maybe some day I can change that...

In truth, there is much I love about this time of year.  I love the excitement of decorating my home, of placing on the tree each ornament that has a unique memory.  I love, love, love the music of the season.  My private in-car or in-home, or in-shower, solo performances triple this time of year.  I love the time my family spends together doing Christmas puzzles or watching Christmas movies, singing around the tree or attending recitals, making treats or coloring or any number of things we dream up for that year.  I have to admit to my most favorite part of Christmas, though:  The feeling of love we have for our fellow man.  There is something about this time of year that draws our hearts to others.  With all the planning and prepping, there is always at the top of my list "Who needs to feel Christ's love this year?"

Each year, since our sons brief visit to earth before he returned to heaven, we have chosen a service to do at Christmastime to honor him.  It is the perfect way for our family to focus on serving those in need all while drawing us to our loved ones on the other side.  It reinforces our testimonies that, because of Christ, we are able to see our loved ones again someday.  It add extra depth to celebrating Christ's birth.  What better way to honor His birth than to do work in His name? 

In recent years, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints has implemented a program that leads others to do just this.  The Light the world campaign gives us the opportunity to serve in the way we choose, by giving ideas of needs in the world.  This year each week has a theme, with the first week being Light The World where you can reach out and serve those across the globe.  Next week is Light Your Community, where we can find ways closer to home to serve.  And then it gets even closer, as the third week we find ways to Light Our Family, with the final week being one of Lighting your Faith.  Do you feel drawn to Light the World ?

Even with all the worldly things that surround this holiday, there is much of it that can point back to the Savior and His ministry.  In my perfect world, the season would be filled with service and filled with love.  In my small way I try to do my part to #lighttheworld, and pray that He will fill all our hearts with an extra measure of love this season.

I want to share one more thing.  I have something exciting that I will be starting next year, a way in which I will honor our son David all year long.  And I want you all to be a part of it.  Look for a post coming soon that will introduce my ideas. 💓
David's first ornament 
Given with Love from Aunt Cortney and Uncle Steve

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